What We Offer

If you are experiencing pain, we want to help!

We are dedicated to helping patients regain pain-free lives. Oftentimes, people do not seek help for pain until it worsens. We want to help at the onset of symptoms, so they do not progress.

Chiropractic Care


Massage Therapy

Electrical Stimulation

Cold Laser Therapy




Flexion Distraction



Low Level Laser Thereapy


Carpal Tunnel Syndrome


Family Practice

Shoe Orthotics


Back Pain

Chiropractic Care

We focus on correcting your body’s misalignments. Our goal is to ensure that your spine and the rest of your body are working harmoniously. To do so, we will help you develop a plan that will require light stretching, some exercise, chiropractic care, and a healthy diet.


It is important to understand that often times where the pain presents is not the area that needs to be treated. The pain may be due to that area compensating and being over-worked from another area not pulling its weight. Our rehabilitation program includes strength, flexibility and agility training as well as training focused on coordination of body parts and motion to prepare the individual to return to full participation.

Massage Therapy

Massage therapy is the manual manipulation of soft body tissues (muscle, connective tissue, tendons and ligaments) to enhance a person’s health and well-being. There are many types of massage therapy methods (also called modalities). People seek massage therapy for a variety of reasons; for example, to reduce stress and anxiety, to relax muscles, to rehabilitate injuries, to reduce pain and to promote overall health and wellness.

Electrical Stimulation

We focus on correcting your body’s misalignments. Our goal is to ensure that your spine and the rest of your body are working harmoniously. To do so, we will help you develop a plan that will require light stretching, some exercise, chiropractic care, and a healthy diet.

Cold laser therapy

We focus on correcting your body’s misalignments. Our goal is to ensure that your spine and the rest of your body are working harmoniously. To do so, we will help you develop a plan that will require light stretching, some exercise, chiropractic care, and a healthy diet.



Call us today!


Visit Us:

Crhiropractor Clinic in Waipahu Medical Center 94- 307 Farrington Hwy St B05 Waipahu, Hi 96797

Business Hours

Monday to Friday:

9 AM – 12 PM and 2PM – 6PM

8 AM – Noon

Get in touch

Please use this form for general information purposes only. DO NOT send personal health information through this form. Specific patient care must be addressed during your appointment.

The best way to get an appointment or infomation is to call us at (808) 671-2685.

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