
Neck Pain Doctor in Waipahu: What Are The Available Treatments?

Neck Pain Doctor in Waipahu: What Are The Available Treatments?

  Approximately 15% of American adults experience neck pain at any given point during their life. The neck, or cervical spine, houses the spinal cord which is in charge of sending messages from the brain to different parts of the body. Due to its delicate nature,...

Lower Back Pain in Waipahu and How Physiotherapy Can Relieve It

Lower Back Pain in Waipahu and How Physiotherapy Can Relieve It

Lower back pain is a common issue that affects approximately 25% of Americans, often disrupting daily chores and reducing quality of life. Physiotherapy offers a range of effective treatments to alleviate pain and improve overall function. Waipahu Chiropractic Clinic...

Upper Back Pain in Waipahu and How Chiropractic Care Can Help You

Upper Back Pain in Waipahu and How Chiropractic Care Can Help You

Upper back pain is one of the most common ailments among Americans. According to the CDC, around 30.7% of adults reported experiencing upper limb pain, including upper back pain, in the last three months. At Waipahu Chiropractic Clinic, we specialize in offering...

3 Tips From a Lower Back Pain Chiropractor in Waipahu, Hawaii 

3 Tips From a Lower Back Pain Chiropractor in Waipahu, Hawaii 

In Hawaii, as in the rest of the United States, back pain is a common ailment among adults. According to statistics, lower back pain affects approximately 25% of adults. If you are one of them and discomfort keeps on interrupting your everyday activities and overall...



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Visit Us:

Crhiropractor Clinic in Waipahu Medical Center 94- 307 Farrington Hwy St B05 Waipahu, Hi 96797

Business Hours

Monday to Friday:

9 AM – 12 PM and 2PM – 6PM

8 AM – Noon

Get in touch

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The best way to get an appointment or infomation is to call us at (808) 671-2685.

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